

A blend of thoughts, insights and info generally inspired by good coffee.

Using purpose to redesign a website

- 5 minute read

In recent weeks we've been working on updating customer websites as many customers pivot their businesses in response to Covid-19. Part of this work has included full redesigns of two ancient (by internet standards at least), websites.


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Keeping Content Natural

- 2 minute read

Engaging, fresh, regular and relevant. Familiar buzzwords to those who create content for the web. But how do you stand out from the crowd and how do you get the search engines to love your content?

Authors will write content to engage readers,…

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Choosing a CMS

- 2 minute read

WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Grav and Craft to name but a few. These are what we know as a Content Management System (CMS) and all these systems work fundamentally in the same way. The basic premise of a CMS is to allow the users of a website to which…

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